Saturday, July 04, 2009

outhing with ob' darling

Sorry peoples~
I knew that I was being super duper late to post up those photos!!
Haha, I guess I have to apologize profusely!!
Really sorry, I was kinda busy to prepare my stuff to college, actually.
She!! She!! She!!
My ob’darling~

Since she was back from KL, then we hang out.
Her insane face ^__^

See, she drove her sister little Myvi !!
and mostly honour was….
I was the first passenger all among the friends.
Yuhoo~ how proud I was! =)
I’m always think that I was a freak, seriously.
I can’t really help myself out, I can’t stop myself from capturing photos as well.
Thus, Darling was kind enough and always co-operate with me.
Let’s the photos do the talking ツ

I’m always used to remind her to be careful and alert when she was driving.
She loved to crapping with me when she was in the car, especially driving.
How dangerous it was!!
Darling, I din’t buy any insurance, but I wished to live longer.
Wahaaahaa~ kidding lur, darling!

Hmmmm~I tied up my hair like a little bun there. ツ

Both of us with sunglasses. Muahahaha~ ♥♥

Hoho…. oldtown again.
Shit! I din’t bring my little broadband along with me.
I forgot that I borrow it to billy dear already.
Aikzzz~ Why I’m always forgot this and that??
I have to train my memories as well lar!!

The one that I loved the most. Honey Lemon Teaaaa!! ♥♥
I preferred the hot one, because more special compared to the cold.
You’ll be even more able to taste the honey flavor inside there.
I think I had already done the research for those food tasting. Wehee~ XD

Ice-cream toast ordered by baBy Alex.
Make me recalled that when oldtown start it's opening business,
I invited lingyE to have it together.
Yet we went there for three times, but still told by the waitress that the ice-cream was running out of stock.
I really hated this condition sometimes, efficiency sucks!!

’s bossie!!

If you saw this..... please don’t sue me,man! Haha~

1 comment:

  1. oooohhh...darling! when did u posted those pic? and u actually posted it! i dint realize it at all~ how stupid i am! >.<"
    bdw, i wonder who was the one who keep crapping with me and ask me smile here pose there~ =.="
    next time remember to buy insurance b4 hopping into my car ya? :p
