Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Without realising it,a year has come to its end.
Time passed by so quickly....just like in a blink of an eye!!
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past and more importantly, forward to the coming year.

Undoubtly, I'm a realistic person. I don't dream all the time! =P
It's a time to reflect on the changes I want or I need to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

1. Enhance my driving skills. Yes! I'm urged to polish up it. It's stinks! Grrr! If I'm able to drive,then everything will be different!

2. Enjoy life more. I promised myself and won't worry so much! Life may get hectic but it's an important step to a happier and healthier me! Develop an optimistic life!

3. Control my temper. No more bad-tempered! EQ arr~

4. Be more independent. Hau Hau said I need to learn that! Take up his useful advice!

5. To be more flexible to everything. I hate uncertainties. I easily get uneasy due to uncertainties. I guess is time for me to adjust myself!

6. To know more friends. I want to have more friends. Making new friends in socialize circle are awesome! We share everything and care each other! New friends come to me!!! xD

7. Improve my make up skills. Definitely a must-do stuff for a gurl!!

8. Kick off the negative thinking. I'll always think to take up a new habit such as smoking when I was stress. By right,I should lead up a positive one instead of smoke!

9. Learn something new. I'll give anything a try! More alcoholic drinks?! =D

10. To gain my weight. 42kg is my absolute target!

All these seems to be simple but hard to archieve??
We'll see it,then!

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