Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Without realising it,a year has come to its end.
Time passed by so quickly....just like in a blink of an eye!!
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past and more importantly, forward to the coming year.

Undoubtly, I'm a realistic person. I don't dream all the time! =P
It's a time to reflect on the changes I want or I need to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

1. Enhance my driving skills. Yes! I'm urged to polish up it. It's stinks! Grrr! If I'm able to drive,then everything will be different!

2. Enjoy life more. I promised myself and won't worry so much! Life may get hectic but it's an important step to a happier and healthier me! Develop an optimistic life!

3. Control my temper. No more bad-tempered! EQ arr~

4. Be more independent. Hau Hau said I need to learn that! Take up his useful advice!

5. To be more flexible to everything. I hate uncertainties. I easily get uneasy due to uncertainties. I guess is time for me to adjust myself!

6. To know more friends. I want to have more friends. Making new friends in socialize circle are awesome! We share everything and care each other! New friends come to me!!! xD

7. Improve my make up skills. Definitely a must-do stuff for a gurl!!

8. Kick off the negative thinking. I'll always think to take up a new habit such as smoking when I was stress. By right,I should lead up a positive one instead of smoke!

9. Learn something new. I'll give anything a try! More alcoholic drinks?! =D

10. To gain my weight. 42kg is my absolute target!

All these seems to be simple but hard to archieve??
We'll see it,then!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Annoyance

I'm ROARING now!
My fire is on head! Burning seriously!
Ended the conversation wif my mum!

The tears in my eyes only have the energy to rolling down...
I can't stop crying because I'm sad.
They ruinned my perfect plans and go against my wills.
It make me realized some fact!
They're too protective to me!
Pretty too much to say on this.I already 18,my 19th is coming soon.
Why should I get this kind of treat again?!

What the hell was that?!
Those were just some ridiculous measurement and judgement!
I always know how to protect myself even take care of myself.
Perhaps,they really don't believe me much!
Thinking that I'm still a little gurl who need somebody to take care with?!
Guess what? I think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life by worrying their feelings?
Then,how about mine? Who cares?!!

Stop that!
You ain't control me if I'm seriously wanna get wild.
But,I'm not now!
So, how I'm gonna deal wif this?!
Better kill me,then! :'(

Don't control me!!!
Drag me to hell!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Random

Wakey! Wakey! People!
Since I was back from my Korea trip,
I found out myself are getting lazzier than usual.
Besides of packing my stuffs,
I was watching drama and did some shopping to cure my boredness.
Yeah! It's sounds too great.
it doesn't the life that I wish for.
I have my own thought,then!
Owwhhh~ Just forget about it! ;(

Talking back about last night.
I was on call wif hau hau.
Pretty sweet phone call as we really had a long time didn't chat to each other.
Lots to go! =D

someone ruined my mood when I was chating wif hau hau.
I won't try to say out the name of him.
I was tryin' to give out a chance,
do you realize that?
As the people said,
Chance never knock your door for twice!
Appreciate it,dude!
I don't know what to say anymore!
Hope that everything is fine!

Just because...
I gotta feeling!!!

Friday, December 04, 2009

Sor poh

Kinda upset now~
Guess what?!
My vacations to Korea are just around the corner!

no plenty of excited feeling for it! :'(

I guess it was just because,
I recalled of my college life with bunch of them,
especially the sor poh.
My funny and cheerful Karen left me alone here!
Arghhh! I hate those lonely feeling!

When I cross the busy road myself, I recalled of her.
Because she is the one who will hold my hands and cross together.
When I eat sushi, I recalled of her.
Because she is the one who teach me how to taste sushi.
When I took yoko yoko, I recalled of her.
Because she is the one always call me to help her massage her old pain muscle.
There are so much memories and stupid reckless stuffs that we did together.
The place we use to hang out,
the uncle’s Lok Lok that we loved to eat and visit....

I miss this all badly.
I promised myself not to splash off my tear when we apart. Sigh*
Just I knew that you’ll feel reluctant too.
I’m sorry that I still couldn’t make it.
Apologise profusely here!
Thanks for bringing so much joyful moment to me!

I heart you, Sor poh! =D
Don't forget our date and promise narh!

Ai li chim chim!!
