Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Without realising it,a year has come to its end.
Time passed by so quickly....just like in a blink of an eye!!
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past and more importantly, forward to the coming year.

Undoubtly, I'm a realistic person. I don't dream all the time! =P
It's a time to reflect on the changes I want or I need to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

1. Enhance my driving skills. Yes! I'm urged to polish up it. It's stinks! Grrr! If I'm able to drive,then everything will be different!

2. Enjoy life more. I promised myself and won't worry so much! Life may get hectic but it's an important step to a happier and healthier me! Develop an optimistic life!

3. Control my temper. No more bad-tempered! EQ arr~

4. Be more independent. Hau Hau said I need to learn that! Take up his useful advice!

5. To be more flexible to everything. I hate uncertainties. I easily get uneasy due to uncertainties. I guess is time for me to adjust myself!

6. To know more friends. I want to have more friends. Making new friends in socialize circle are awesome! We share everything and care each other! New friends come to me!!! xD

7. Improve my make up skills. Definitely a must-do stuff for a gurl!!

8. Kick off the negative thinking. I'll always think to take up a new habit such as smoking when I was stress. By right,I should lead up a positive one instead of smoke!

9. Learn something new. I'll give anything a try! More alcoholic drinks?! =D

10. To gain my weight. 42kg is my absolute target!

All these seems to be simple but hard to archieve??
We'll see it,then!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Annoyance

I'm ROARING now!
My fire is on head! Burning seriously!
Ended the conversation wif my mum!

The tears in my eyes only have the energy to rolling down...
I can't stop crying because I'm sad.
They ruinned my perfect plans and go against my wills.
It make me realized some fact!
They're too protective to me!
Pretty too much to say on this.I already 18,my 19th is coming soon.
Why should I get this kind of treat again?!

What the hell was that?!
Those were just some ridiculous measurement and judgement!
I always know how to protect myself even take care of myself.
Perhaps,they really don't believe me much!
Thinking that I'm still a little gurl who need somebody to take care with?!
Guess what? I think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life by worrying their feelings?
Then,how about mine? Who cares?!!

Stop that!
You ain't control me if I'm seriously wanna get wild.
But,I'm not now!
So, how I'm gonna deal wif this?!
Better kill me,then! :'(

Don't control me!!!
Drag me to hell!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Random

Wakey! Wakey! People!
Since I was back from my Korea trip,
I found out myself are getting lazzier than usual.
Besides of packing my stuffs,
I was watching drama and did some shopping to cure my boredness.
Yeah! It's sounds too great.
it doesn't the life that I wish for.
I have my own thought,then!
Owwhhh~ Just forget about it! ;(

Talking back about last night.
I was on call wif hau hau.
Pretty sweet phone call as we really had a long time didn't chat to each other.
Lots to go! =D

someone ruined my mood when I was chating wif hau hau.
I won't try to say out the name of him.
I was tryin' to give out a chance,
do you realize that?
As the people said,
Chance never knock your door for twice!
Appreciate it,dude!
I don't know what to say anymore!
Hope that everything is fine!

Just because...
I gotta feeling!!!

Friday, December 04, 2009

Sor poh

Kinda upset now~
Guess what?!
My vacations to Korea are just around the corner!

no plenty of excited feeling for it! :'(

I guess it was just because,
I recalled of my college life with bunch of them,
especially the sor poh.
My funny and cheerful Karen left me alone here!
Arghhh! I hate those lonely feeling!

When I cross the busy road myself, I recalled of her.
Because she is the one who will hold my hands and cross together.
When I eat sushi, I recalled of her.
Because she is the one who teach me how to taste sushi.
When I took yoko yoko, I recalled of her.
Because she is the one always call me to help her massage her old pain muscle.
There are so much memories and stupid reckless stuffs that we did together.
The place we use to hang out,
the uncle’s Lok Lok that we loved to eat and visit....

I miss this all badly.
I promised myself not to splash off my tear when we apart. Sigh*
Just I knew that you’ll feel reluctant too.
I’m sorry that I still couldn’t make it.
Apologise profusely here!
Thanks for bringing so much joyful moment to me!

I heart you, Sor poh! =D
Don't forget our date and promise narh!

Ai li chim chim!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009


Don't be panic! It was me,right here!
Undoubtly, I'm still alive!
I've just been focusing more on my studies nowadays.
Dealing with those kinda stupid homeworks here.
I mean...
The bloody assignments!!

The lecturer tend to remind us that enjoy the process of doing assignment!
Frankly and seriously~
I was almost want to scream out loud WTF,
each time I done my assignment!!
Other than that,
everything is just basically the same...

I managed to done my Front Office Management assignment and my Tourism Industry presentation slides.
Thumbs up for myself.
I'm a responsible student =D

Thanks to those stupid yet idiot homeworks,
I only spent few hours on my sleep, my bloggie or even my night outhings too.
Darn! Mr Yeap seems like always so free recently.
I guess I gotta sleep earlier tonight.

To be continue......

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Just Want To Feel Free!

I'm apologise for not being an efficient blogger!
In fact,
I wasn't in the mood of blogging recently.
My mood was not really good enough.
So much to share!
But, just because of my moody and emo!

I'm here!!
Sick of everything!
Life is sucks sometimes!!
Hope to get rid of all this or even disappear from public!
I need peaceful life!

I do hope that I can live my dreams life with my BaBy Bella.
She is only the one who love and care about me.
She is always being sincere to me!
Irreplaceable for me!
I do miss the time we live together.
At times,
I was sad and depress.
Just because we couldn't make it together.
I'm sorry, BaBy!
I miss you, here!

I knew that you'll read this!
Don't worry~
Promise to you and myself,
Be tough , Be strong!
I'll be climb up to be the strong one!
Love will be just always around me and you!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Tsunami at Haeundae

I have no class today! XD
Yay!! Hell yes!!

had a very sweet date with Johnatan brother.
We planned to have a nice movie.
Tsunami at Haeundae!!

South Korea has definitely become a key player in certain film genres.

I was crying like a mad gurl when I was watching this movie.
yet it was really awesome!!
The part the parents saved their child,the only one daughter.

Arghhhh~ tears drop down again and again!! Sigh* :'(

But what I have to say is......
I really had a such long time didn't watch this kind of movie already.
I always prefered the touching one.
Although I had to splash my tears,
but still worth for me.
Peeeepppsss! =)

when disaster strikes, life-threatening and only by then we are able to realize and treasure what we have or what is surrounding us?
How many times we watched this kind of film and never learn from it at all?
Okie, they were just movie!! Fine!
But it doesn’t mean it won’t happen for real, right?
Really hope that we will not need to learn only during the real tragical situation like what this movie conveyed.

In fact,
I learnt something.
I realize that every parents love their children deeply and hardly.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to yen yen dear

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday, my dear yen yen! ツ
I wish you have a sunny coming day, many smiles, reliable friends surrounding you, feel family warmth and always be the way you are.
of course,
having an interseting 22nd birthday celebration too.♥♥

I feel so SORRY n GUILTY. =(
I can't celebrate with you or even pass the present for you.
We are in a such long distance right now.
You're in KL now.

miss you a lot!♥♥
You,the one who be my loyal listener.
Just to listen to me,
complaining this and that,
comfort me after that.
You,the one who be my warm caller.
Just to hear me cried for one hour,
hearing without a single words.
You,the one who spends energy on others rather than yourself.
Just to encourages and lifts me up.

I always appreciate all of this.
For me~
Birthday poems can be written with a specific kind of person and birthday message in mind.
Here is a poem,specially for you♥♥

I’m wishing you another year,
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done.

I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A very short and hurried update =D

A very deep deep apologize to my all readers, peoples and babes at here.
Even I knew that,
my collegemates and blogger friends were complaining to me already.

As they discussed or mentioned about my blog,
They'll absolutely asked me: "xiiao yuan,when will you gonna to update your bloggie??"
I'll only just told them:"baBy, I'm lack of time~24 hours per day is not enough for me~ Can I have 48 hours per day?"

By the way,
I'm already starting my college life.
Due to lots of outhings and assignment there,
so I'm finally broke my latest records!!
Oh Gosshhh~~
I din't update my little bloggie for one months plus plus already!!
all I have to say is: "Please please, Don't kill me!!"
I really tried my best to get to here and say somethings, before I get boom =P

Celine and Eileen babes,
I have to say that I miss you gurls so much!!
Even that we din't meet before,
but felt like both of you two are nice enough. (^__^ V)
hope to meet you gurls soon.
So that,
we can do some shopping and crapping together narh.
Okay?? ツ

Times up!!
Is time to complete my homeworks lur~
Got to Go~
Love you all!!
Muackzzssss ♥♥
Stay tuned for my next post ya =D
Tons of outhings photos to upload up~
P/S: some post will be set as at the day happened.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yummy licious

Is that very nice looking ??
This cake cake made by my friend when he was having his final exam.
this was the product.
He was a chef student, actually.ツ
I straightly named it as Strawberry Choco Cake.
It sounds like so professional har XD
This is so called: promote+publish= sales

By the way,
give you some constructive commitment here.
It was sweet enough~
Nice for liking~
Just a little bit hard there~
Try to make it more softer next time~
It may easy to digest~
Yet, I'm not a old lady who facing with the digestion problems.
Perhaps, I always the one who prefer the soft cake as well.
Who is gonna wiling to eat a piece of cake which is hard like stone??
Heeheehee =P

I'm still love the cakes as well. ♥♥
Thanks =D

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Turning into Black or White

Black or White??
Which one is nicer and better?? or even prettier?
Which one caught your eyes after the first sight??

Actually,I picked the black one for myself.
I love black~weheehee
This is a little pressie for my soulmate as her 18th birthday present.
Both of us fall for this BUM watches when we went to shopping together.
This is our love significant!!
Don't be jealous anyway.ツ

Each year of her birthday, I'll put all of my effort to think: what to give her??
I tried hard to give her a surprise as well.
I bought this watch, then I passed to her by myself !
She bought me MARIAH CAREY's perfume for me this year!
Thank you very much, baBy.

You'll thinking of me when you wear it.
I'll always be your baBy ♥♥
Recall to the time,
I'll really felt reluctant to leave or even seperate with you.
Maybe people will say that I'm an idiot.
But, the only one that I can said is: Nobody can replace you in my heart!
You're my 6 years plus plus soulmate.
You realise me more that I can say.
You know my temper.
You know my thoughts.
You know everythings inside my deep heart.
Really depth inside!!

Fact is still fact!!
You told me that we have to be mature, have to moving towards future.
No more any native stuff!
Thus, you courage me a lot!!
Provided me all those constructive advices.
Till now,
I have been success to make it all.
it is all for you!!
Promise you to try my best and taking every step with colours.

By the way,
Don't forget our dreams!
I'll never give up ♥♥

My blackkie

baBy's super whiteee~

Saturday, July 04, 2009

outhing with ob' darling

Sorry peoples~
I knew that I was being super duper late to post up those photos!!
Haha, I guess I have to apologize profusely!!
Really sorry, I was kinda busy to prepare my stuff to college, actually.
She!! She!! She!!
My ob’darling~

Since she was back from KL, then we hang out.
Her insane face ^__^

See, she drove her sister little Myvi !!
and mostly honour was….
I was the first passenger all among the friends.
Yuhoo~ how proud I was! =)
I’m always think that I was a freak, seriously.
I can’t really help myself out, I can’t stop myself from capturing photos as well.
Thus, Darling was kind enough and always co-operate with me.
Let’s the photos do the talking ツ

I’m always used to remind her to be careful and alert when she was driving.
She loved to crapping with me when she was in the car, especially driving.
How dangerous it was!!
Darling, I din’t buy any insurance, but I wished to live longer.
Wahaaahaa~ kidding lur, darling!

Hmmmm~I tied up my hair like a little bun there. ツ

Both of us with sunglasses. Muahahaha~ ♥♥

Hoho…. oldtown again.
Shit! I din’t bring my little broadband along with me.
I forgot that I borrow it to billy dear already.
Aikzzz~ Why I’m always forgot this and that??
I have to train my memories as well lar!!

The one that I loved the most. Honey Lemon Teaaaa!! ♥♥
I preferred the hot one, because more special compared to the cold.
You’ll be even more able to taste the honey flavor inside there.
I think I had already done the research for those food tasting. Wehee~ XD

Ice-cream toast ordered by baBy Alex.
Make me recalled that when oldtown start it's opening business,
I invited lingyE to have it together.
Yet we went there for three times, but still told by the waitress that the ice-cream was running out of stock.
I really hated this condition sometimes, efficiency sucks!!

’s bossie!!

If you saw this..... please don’t sue me,man! Haha~

Monday, June 29, 2009

My ob' darling is back!

No doubt!!
baBy yuan, here^^

Currently,staying at my ob' darling's house~
I'm using her lappie now~
She came back from KL yesterday!!
Of course, I'm gonna to hang out with her~
Dating Philly to hang out is always in our must do list!
But, unfortunely Philly is sick today!!
so bad!!!
take care yourself ya, my dear^^
We meet at Thursday narh =)

I'm always the one that full of many craziest idea!
So, both of us are planning to hang out at cafe and do some shopping~
Yippie XD

oh goshhh!!
my ob'darling is coming out from da bathroom already!
Time to say bye bye, all my sweethearts ♥♥

More updates and photos coming soon!!

Stay tuned people~
muacks <3

Friday, June 26, 2009

Random post

A Random post for today~
Went to college to settle some thinggy and stuffie~

Baby Pauline followed by too.

Big big gosshhhh!!!
I met those bitches today!!
Don't looked me down with your fu*king eye-sight!
Darn!! Made me so mad!! Spoilt my mood overall.
Luckily Philly comfort me through the message.
Weeee~always the sweetest one^^

Groogg…groogg…my little tummy was shouting already.
Those stupid hunger feelings was killing me and even made my mood so down.
I was craving for food!!
Is time to put in some delicious food to digest, man!!

Went to Little Oasis for brunch =)

The surrounding and environment quite okay. I gave 3 stars.Hah!!

The food was not so pricey,actually.
The drinks!!

Da Main course

Hmmm~my apetite was still so good as usual^^ Heh~

Baby pauline's Ham Fried Rice

Baby Alex's Fish & Chip Marryland

The mushroom soup. kinda salty,yuckss!!
I didn't manage to finish all (T______T)

Dessert Time,yayy
I chose ice-cream!!

Pepermint+choc chip in da ice-cream
It was quite nice, not so sweet for my liking.
Fullfil my desire of sweet taste!

Baby pauline love the vanila favour ^^

Then, my baby Pauline accompanied me to shop around.
Don’t cheat by her good-gurl look, she’s exactly a shopaholic!
But…I always love to shop with her.
(Chit-chat+crap+gossip=must do thing)
No self-shoot photo for today. My retarded hair was the main course. XD

Tadaaa~ Here come my lovely stuff after shopping. I was quite sastisfied at all. Happy~

Two Blythe shirt for myself ツ

Dream Girls BB Cream

Another top-T...

from brands outlet

Gwen Stefani, the cover gurl~

Oh yeah! I ate a lots of high calories food today!
I’m even more nearer and closer to my target!
Hit my target, archieve my goal!
42 kg is my ideal weight!ツ

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Legend: Michael Jackson

My baby Alex’s mood turned so down in the early of the morning.
His super duper favourite entertainer Michael Jackson passed away.
Because of this, he even had no mood for his breakfast!
He just keep facing the pc, rolling down the mouse….reading the unbelievable news.

I was kinda shocked when I heard this!
Even though I was not so so adore to MJ, but deeply saddened by the news today.
Many of us were excited about the prospect of his performing in London.
Yea, MJ’s fans should know MJ had been preparing for his comeback tour!
Millions of people had bought tickets from all over the world.
I think the world has now lost the greatest entertainer!
Yet, I think this should become a world issue.
I love much much more, incase they’re so sensitive on the respond of MJ’s death.
They played all the Jackson’s songs!

Thriller! The one that I loved the most.
The music video was creative enough. All the dancers seriously performed well!

By the way, I’m still wanna to say it out loud!

King of the POP, I heart you!!!!

Rest in peace~

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

awesome gurls

Just came back.
I accompanied mummy for her facial today.
It was about 2 hours stayed at the beauty salon yet I didn’t feel any bored feeling came towards me.
I was mortally enjoy and having fun at there.

Yea...having a great conversation with Sandra and of course with Julie too.
We shared lots of beauty tips and make up stuff together during chit chat.

They taught me how to take good care of my skin.
The main point is use the skincare on the right-timing and properly step.
Following by are sleep well and drink more water.

Oh yea, I’m gonna start my new daily schedule soon!
It’s for my own good, errmm~I mean is my skin’s own good.
Then, they asked me to make up when I’m going to the salon by next time.
(They were so curious to see my make-up look lar. xoxo.)

ARHAHA~I helped Sandra to active up her facebook.
She was complaining to me that she can’t sign in to her friendster.
Thus, I suggested her to join facebook which with more application, games and more convenience.
Sandra, I knew that you’re a newbie at there.
Hoping that you can fully enjoy with your new facebook.
Be patient lar, you sure can open the page one!
I mean the pet society paggie, haha!!
Heart you ya♥♥

Heeehee~Mummy brought me the new skin care.
I tot up all the ammount. No doubt, it was RM901.
I yell internally and wrinkling my brows....
At last, gaze at the scary numbers!!
anyway,thx for my lovely mummy~
I knew that you spend a lots on those stuffie^^

My new skincare,I love it much much more^^

Those bottles's packgaging are simple and clean.

Da 5th AQUA SENSES. Oh yes, I can bring it along me at anytime,anywhere.

Mummy's anti-aging handcream. effiency good enough!!

A little gift from Julie. It was a fragrance. Smells like Channel perfume =)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Papa's Day

The 3rd Sunday of June!!
The big day for every daddy in this world~
As usual, the Father's Day will be celebrated on the third Sunday of June this year also.

To me, any man can be a Father, but it takes a special person to be called Dad.

you're the man that hearing the first lusty cry of me.
Sharing in caring for the life that you made.
Tending to kissing the bruises and aches.
Some of what being a father takes!!

Daddy, you....
working each day for this home
provides me a warm home and family
giving me the best education
fullfil me for what I desire
purchase everything that I want
console me when I was sad
comfort me when I was moody

you love to call me stupid gurl when I can't drive well
you love to touch my forehead when I tied up my fringe
you love to eat my favourite mee when I was hungry

you sacrifised unselfishly just to keep us all fed.
you're the special and lovely man in this world.
and we love you with all our heart.
I ♥ You more than I can say~

P/S: I'll give you the best pressie for you! But, you've to wait until July. Please be patient. I'm sure that you will be like it very very much! ♥♥

All fathers are invisible in daytime;
daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night.
Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power.
There is more to fathers than meets the eye.- Margaret Atwood